(90.95% responded)
(98.21% responded)
Kentucky Special Schools
(91.30% responded)
(100.00% responded)
a. Class sizes are reasonable such that teachers have the time available to meet the needs of all students.
n = 41223
/ dk = 198
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2278
/ dk = 14
b. Teachers have time available to collaborate with colleagues.
n = 41062
/ dk = 216
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2271
/ dk = 15
c. Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal interruptions
n = 40940
/ dk = 201
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2258
/ dk = 14
d. The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient.
n = 40865
/ dk = 393
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2258
/ dk = 27
e. Efforts are made to minimize the amount of routine paperwork teachers are required to do.
n = 40688
/ dk = 590
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2255
/ dk = 28
f. Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all students.
n = 40947
/ dk = 309
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2266
/ dk = 17
g. Teachers are protected from duties that interfere with their essential role of educating students.
n = 40791
/ dk = 525
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2261
/ dk = 26
a. Individual planning time
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2028
b. Collaborative planning time
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2014
c. Supervisory duties
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2011
d. Required committee and/or staff meetings
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2013
e. Completing required administrative paperwork
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2014
f. Preparing for/participating in the teacher evaluation process?
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2017
g. Communicating with parents/guardians and/or the community
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2023
h. Addressing student discipline issues
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2030
i. Professional learning
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2008
j. Preparation for required federal, state, and local assessments
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2021
k. Delivery of assessments
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2027
l. Utilizing results of assessments
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2024
Q2.3 In an average week of teaching, how many hours do you spend on school-related activities outside the regular school work day (before or after school, and/or on weekends)?
Less than or equal to 1 hour
More than 1 hour but less than or equal to 3 hours
More than 3 hours but less than or equal to 5 hours
More than 5 hours but less than or equal to 10 hours
More than 10 hours
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2036
a. Teachers have sufficient access to appropriate instructional materials.
n = 41160
/ dk = 225
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2283
/ dk = 11
b. Teachers have sufficient access to instructional technology, including computers, printers, software and internet access.
n = 41157
/ dk = 141
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2281
/ dk = 5
c. Teachers have sufficient support to use effectively the state-approved electronic platform (i.e., CIITS, EDS).
n = 39909
/ dk = 1379
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2186
/ dk = 95
d. Teachers have access to reliable communication technology, including phones, faxes and email.
n = 41021
/ dk = 223
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2280
/ dk = 9
e. Teachers have sufficient access to office equipment and supplies such as copy machines, paper, pens, etc.
n = 41106
/ dk = 187
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2281
/ dk = 7
f. Teachers have sufficient access to a broad range of professional support personnel.
n = 40965
/ dk = 338
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2259
/ dk = 25
g. The school environment is clean and well maintained.
n = 41011
/ dk = 378
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2275
/ dk = 15
h. Teachers have adequate space to work productively.
n = 40960
/ dk = 260
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2273
/ dk = 10
i. The physical environment of classrooms in this school supports teaching and learning.
n = 40934
/ dk = 280
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2270
/ dk = 13
j. The reliability and speed of Internet connections in this school are sufficient to support instructional practices.
n = 41067
/ dk = 223
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2280
/ dk = 8
k. Teachers have sufficient access to the library and media facilities.
n = 40803
/ dk = 485
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2230
/ dk = 57
a. Parents/guardians are influential decision makers in this school.
n = 39273
/ dk = 2116
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2141
/ dk = 150
b. This school maintains clear, two-way communication with the community.
n = 40410
/ dk = 903
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2233
/ dk = 53
c. This school does a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement.
n = 40593
/ dk = 704
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2229
/ dk = 60
d. Teachers provide parents/guardians with useful information about student learning.
n = 40688
/ dk = 634
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2234
/ dk = 55
e. Parents/guardians know what is going on in this school.
n = 40125
/ dk = 1182
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2195
/ dk = 94
f. Parents/guardians support teachers, contributing to their success with students.
n = 40354
/ dk = 824
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2209
/ dk = 64
g. Community members support teachers, contributing to their success with students.
n = 39600
/ dk = 1689
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2170
/ dk = 113
h. The community we serve is supportive of this school.
n = 39842
/ dk = 1433
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2206
/ dk = 81
a. Students at this school understand expectations for their conduct.
n = 41161
/ dk = 136
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2273
/ dk = 12
b. Students at this school follow rules of conduct.
n = 41086
/ dk = 131
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2268
/ dk = 12
c. Policies and procedures about student conduct are clearly understood by the faculty.
n = 40949
/ dk = 202
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2267
/ dk = 14
d. School administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct.
n = 40883
/ dk = 371
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2261
/ dk = 22
e. School administrators support teachers' efforts to maintain discipline in the classroom.
n = 40878
/ dk = 313
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2258
/ dk = 19
f. Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct.
n = 40861
/ dk = 359
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2259
/ dk = 21
g. The faculty work in a school environment that is safe.
n = 40943
/ dk = 264
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2268
/ dk = 14
a. Teachers are recognized as educational experts.
n = 40863
/ dk = 338
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2264
/ dk = 20
b. Teachers are trusted to make sound professional decisions about instruction.
n = 40851
/ dk = 238
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2264
/ dk = 14
c. Teachers are relied upon to make decisions about educational issues.
n = 40707
/ dk = 365
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2257
/ dk = 22
d. Teachers are encouraged to participate in school leadership roles.
n = 40656
/ dk = 456
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2239
/ dk = 43
e. The faculty has an effective process for making group decisions to solve problems.
n = 39921
/ dk = 1189
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2205
/ dk = 74
f. In this school we take steps to solve problems.
n = 40456
/ dk = 671
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2233
/ dk = 45
g. Teachers are effective leaders in this school.
n = 40668
/ dk = 425
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2251
/ dk = 28
a. Selecting instructional materials and resources
n = 39885
/ dk = 1477
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2231
/ dk = 63
b. Devising teaching techniques
n = 40371
/ dk = 886
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2257
/ dk = 32
c. Setting grading and student assessment practices
n = 40110
/ dk = 1104
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2238
/ dk = 47
d. Determining the content of in-service professional learning programs
n = 39523
/ dk = 1743
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2196
/ dk = 89
e. Establishing student discipline procedures
n = 40268
/ dk = 1022
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2240
/ dk = 49
f. Providing input on how the school budget will be spent
n = 38581
/ dk = 2700
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2162
/ dk = 128
g. Selecting teachers new to this school
n = 39041
/ dk = 2297
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2171
/ dk = 121
h. Planning school improvement
n = 39531
/ dk = 1702
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2205
/ dk = 80
i. Leading professional learning
n = 40127
/ dk = 1078
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2224
/ dk = 64
j. Modeling instructional methods, assessments, and/or classroom management
n = 40305
/ dk = 949
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2251
/ dk = 35
Q6.5 Teachers have an appropriate level of influence on decision making in this school.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
n = number of responses
dk = number of "don't know" responses
n = 40242
/ dk = 1144
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2223
/ dk = 67
a. The faculty and leadership have a shared vision.
n = 40605
/ dk = 776
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2246
/ dk = 45
b. There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in this school.
n = 40856
/ dk = 407
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2257
/ dk = 27
c. Teachers feel comfortable raising issues and concerns that are important to them.
n = 40660
/ dk = 611
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2251
/ dk = 38
d. The school leadership consistently supports teachers.
n = 40781
/ dk = 540
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2257
/ dk = 28
e. Teachers are held to high professional standards for delivering instruction.
n = 41027
/ dk = 261
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2275
/ dk = 16
f. The school leadership facilitates using data to improve student learning.
n = 40832
/ dk = 482
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2252
/ dk = 38
g. Teacher performance is assessed objectively.
n = 40261
/ dk = 1090
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2210
/ dk = 79
h. Teachers receive feedback that can help them improve teaching.
n = 40528
/ dk = 766
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2238
/ dk = 50
i. The procedures for teacher evaluation are consistent.
n = 39965
/ dk = 1284
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2194
/ dk = 93
j. The school improvement team provides effective leadership at this school.
n = 37443
/ dk = 3767
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1997
/ dk = 286
k. The faculty are recognized for accomplishments.
n = 40621
/ dk = 601
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2254
/ dk = 37
a. Leadership issues
n = 38779
/ dk = 2558
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2148
/ dk = 134
b. Facilities and resources
n = 40068
/ dk = 1204
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2234
/ dk = 51
c. The use of time in my school
n = 40074
/ dk = 1205
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2217
/ dk = 66
d. Professional learning
n = 40158
/ dk = 1105
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2227
/ dk = 52
e. Teacher leadership
n = 39606
/ dk = 1617
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2190
/ dk = 85
f. Community support and involvement
n = 39198
/ dk = 2002
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2188
/ dk = 94
g. Managing student conduct
n = 40541
/ dk = 754
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2250
/ dk = 35
h. Instructional practices and support
n = 40305
/ dk = 938
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2235
/ dk = 48
i. New teacher support
n = 38175
/ dk = 3029
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2118
/ dk = 160
a. Teachers on the school council are representative of the faculty (i.e. experience, subject/grade, etc.)
n = 37388
/ dk = 3856
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1732
/ dk = 545
b. Parents on the school council are representative of the diversity within the school community.
n = 34364
/ dk = 6793
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1574
/ dk = 694
c. The school council makes decisions that positively impact instruction (i.e. curriculum, instructional practices, etc.).
n = 35909
/ dk = 5242
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1699
/ dk = 573
d. The school council makes decisions that positively impact school staffing and schedules.
n = 35705
/ dk = 5441
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1688
/ dk = 581
e. Overall, the school council provides effective leadership in this school.
n = 36269
/ dk = 4850
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1712
/ dk = 556
a. Sufficient resources are available for professional learning in my school.
n = 40569
/ dk = 758
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2241
/ dk = 45
b. An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional learning.
n = 40853
/ dk = 445
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2258
/ dk = 26
c. Professional learning offerings are data driven.
n = 38522
/ dk = 2679
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2094
/ dk = 185
d. Professional learning opportunities are aligned with the school’s improvement plan.
n = 37851
/ dk = 3229
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2059
/ dk = 218
e. Professional learning is differentiated to meet the needs of individual teachers.
n = 39887
/ dk = 1414
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2193
/ dk = 88
f. Decision making about professional learning is guided by evidence from the growth and effectiveness system.
n = 36489
/ dk = 4757
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1990
/ dk = 286
g. Professional learning deepens teachers' content knowledge.
n = 40360
/ dk = 907
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2226
/ dk = 59
h. Teachers have sufficient training to fully utilize instructional technology.
n = 40506
/ dk = 715
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2238
/ dk = 41
i. Teachers are encouraged to reflect on their own practice.
n = 40766
/ dk = 477
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2253
/ dk = 28
j. In this school, follow up is provided from professional learning.
n = 39668
/ dk = 1456
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2179
/ dk = 97
k. Professional learning provides ongoing opportunities for teachers to work with colleagues to refine teaching practices.
n = 40284
/ dk = 845
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2215
/ dk = 61
l. Professional learning is evaluated and results are communicated to teachers.
n = 39033
/ dk = 2124
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2143
/ dk = 130
m. Professional learning enhances teachers' ability to implement instructional strategies that meet diverse student learning needs.
n = 40246
/ dk = 864
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2212
/ dk = 56
n. Professional learning enhances teachers' abilities to improve student learning.
n = 40373
/ dk = 679
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2223
/ dk = 47
o. Teachers contribute to the planning, selection, and/or design of professional learning.
n = 39307
/ dk = 1761
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 2169
/ dk = 102
a. Your content area
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1983
b. Kentucky Academic Standards
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1973
c. Student assessment
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1972
d. Differentiating instruction
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1980
e. Special education (students with disabilities)
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1974
f. Special education (gifted and talented)
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1970
g. English Language Learners
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1967
h. Closing the Achievement Gap
Kentucky Special Schools
n = 1966