TELL Kentucky Tools
School Leaders: In addition to the customized Guides located on the right of this page (District Leaders , Local School Boards
, KEA District Leaders
, KEA School Leaders
, Site Based Decision-Making Councils
, and Parents
), there is a comprehensive set of tools below to assist you through a series of activities that go beyond introductory examination of the TELL data.
The Data Use Guide helps ensure proper use of the TELL Kentucky results.
The Facilitator's Guide provides a carefully scripted method designed to support facilitators at the school level prepare for leading professional development on working conditions without having to develop a training from scratch.
The Facilitator's Presentation walks through a method for narrowing the focus of the survey data. The presentation tools include carefully described steps for utilizing accompanying handouts and worksheets, as well as a scripted process for engaging in reflective analysis of specific survey questions.
The Facilitator's Addendum includes goals and objectives along with scripted discussion points around the drill down process to accompany the Facilitator's Presentation. The What's Working
and What's Ideal
worksheets can be downloaded separately.
The Facilitator's Agenda provides the outline agenda for the Facilitator's Presentation.
The Participant's Packet contains blank versions of the tools used in the Facilitator's Presentation and Handouts. These versions were designed to accelerate the drill down process and keep the focus on the survey results and reflective process. The handouts describe the activities and the worksheets provide a framework to engage in the activities efficiently.
Construct Indicator Worksheets are designed to help a participant move deeper into the survey data. Once a particular survey construct has been chosen, participants can utilize these tools to think through individual survey items that fit within each of the constructs. Working through these tools, participants can further refine their thinking down to an individual item for closer examination and discussion.
Individual Item Prompts assist with finding a common starting point in collaborative settings. A series of discussion prompts were created for each of the survey questions to provide participants with a starting point to begin productive conversations. The prompts are designed to target conversations around the specific item of focus and to encourage critical thinking about the factors influencing that condition across the school. These tools are to be used following the construct item worksheets once specific survey items have been identified. Individual Item Prompts have been created for items in each of the eight constructs.